Let's hope the clouds don't get in the way!

A partial eclipse of the sun will be visible across the UK just before sunset on Monday - providing clouds do not get in the way.

The sun will resemble a biscuit with a bite out of it as part of the moon blocks out the sun's rays.

Providing the weather is fine on Monday, the rare solar eclipse should be visible at around 8pm, depending on where you are in the UK.

The moon will block out 10 per cent of the sun's diameter, and 2 per cent of its area, with dark sun spots speckling the sun's surface.
Starting around 7.30pm, the peak of the eclipse will be visible at around 8.04pm in London, at 7.58pm in Edinburgh and at 8.05pm in Cardiff. It should last around 40 minutes in total.

While only a partial eclipse in the UK, viewers in the United States will get to see a more impressive total solar eclipse.

The partial eclipse can only take place at New Moon, as this is when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun. (dailymail)

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