Ministry of Crab maintains winning streak at Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2021

Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Crab once again stood out at a global stage by retaining its title as ‘The Best Restaurant in Sri Lanka’ at Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2021.
Raking 29 among the top 50 restaurants in Asia, Chef Dharshan Munidasa’s popular Ministry of Crab has been successful in maintaining the winning streak as the island nation’s finest from 2016.
According to the awarding body, making Ministry of Crab “special” is that the restaurant is a haven for crustacean fans, celebrating the Sri Lankan crab in everything from the food to the crab-claw plants that serve as the restaurant’s only décor.
Set up by Chef-Restaurateur Munidasa, the venture was established together with Sri Lankan cricket legends Mahela Jayawardena and Kumar Sangakkara

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