Ravi assures foreign investors could expect win-win deal in Sri Lanka

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Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake yesterday urged potential international investors to confidently enter Sri Lanka and assured the unity government will do its best to create win-win situation for both parties. 

“We know we are not the only girl on the beach for investments. We want to give that level of confidence to potential investors. Consistently, coherency, and coordination is most important and if we say something we will ensure it is done, “said Karunanayake while attempting to lure the 125 potential investors present at the ‘Sri Lanka Investment and Business Conclave 2016’ facilitated by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC).

Referring to the global economic turbulence prevailing today, Karunanayake stressed the need for the county to navigate through the difficult times unscathed. 
Justifying the recent policy changes, the minister noted that the challenges is to open the systems, which according to him, is being done to ensure investors are comfortable knowing Sri Lanka is in line with the rest of the world.

He stressed now is the “best time” to enter since Sri Lanka is in dire need for foreign direct investments (FDI) and jobs as currently the local talent pool is underemployed. 
Asserting the need to have a livable wage situation, Karunanayake pointed out that the county is only interested in operators that are willing to withstand for a long period and, not those who “fly by night”.

“This is essential for us. And for that we have made the environment competitive by offering a dynamic working environment that is ethical. We are striving to improve ease of doing business and market access, by entering into FTAs.

“We are a government that is working along with you all because we know the sensitivities. We are a government that is 24 hours at call. So make sure you invest in Sri Lanka,” urged Karunanayake.
Pointing out the measures taken towards fiscal consolidation, he reiterated “what needs to be done is done”

It was highlighted that the government is actively working towards repositioning the nation to be competitive in the global environment, and the measures will be taken to ensure least burden is brought on the investors.   
“We will take corrective measures by doing away with unwanted and lethargic elements that are embedded in the economy. I am sure with this step we will have a competitive edge which will allow investors to reap benefits,” said the minister.SAA

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