Colombo Tea Auction sees approx. 6 MnKgs come under hammer

The Colombo Tea Auction saw approximately 6.0 MnKgs come under the hammer, which is marginally lower to the previous week’s quantity of 6.1 MnKgs.

The quantities were met with improved demand, the latest tea report by Forbes and Walker Tea Brokers said.
Ex-Estate offerings totaled 0.8 MnKgs. Overall quality was slightly preferable to last, although still a greater majority of the teas comprised of a fair average quality.  Best Western – Select high priced BOP’s gained Rs. 100-200 per kg, whilst the others appreciated further. 

Corresponding BOPF’s followed a similar trend and often gained Rs. 50-60 per kg. In the Below Best and Plainer categories, clean leaf coloury BOPs gained up to Rs. 100 per kg and more, whilst the others were generally firm. Corresponding BOPF’s gained Rs. 20-40 per kg and more towards the close, whilst prices for teas at the lower end were generally firm with select clean leaf invoices appreciating in value. 

The limited availability of Nuwara Eliya BOP/BOPF’s sold extremely well. Uva/Uda Pussellawa BOP’s gained Rs. 100 per kg and more for select invoices whilst the corresponding BOPFs appreciated Rs. 50 per kg on average, particularly towards the close.  High & Medium Grown CTC – BP1s were irregular, whilst the PF1s were firm and Rs. 20-40 per kg dearer. Corresponding Low Grown varieties – BP1s were irregular and mostly firm. PF1s – Best available commenced firm and appreciated irregularly as the sale progressed, whilst the others secondary types gained Rs. 200-300 per kg. Low Growns comprised of 2.4 MnKgs in the Leafy/Semi Leafy and Tippy catalogues.
Well-made teas together with the cleaner Below Best met with good demand, whilst the balance were easier following quality. Shippers to Iran and Turkiye were active, whilst there was limited activity from Russia and Iraq.
In the Leafy & Semi Leafy catalogues, select Best BOP1/OP1s maintained, whilst the improved Below Best varieties were fully firm to dearer. However, teas at the lower end were barely steady. Well-made OP’s in general were fully firm to selectively dearer following quality, whilst the others and poorer sorts were barely steady. 

Well-made OPA’s were irregular and mostly easier, whilst the Below Best varieties were generally firm. Teas at the lower end which commenced, declined towards the close. Select Best PEK/PEK1s together with a range of improved Below Best varieties maintained, whilst the prices for others and mixed varieties in particular were irregular and mostly lower. In the Tippy catalogues, well-made FBOP/FF1s together with the cleaner Below Best appreciated, whilst the balance were easier following quality. In the Premium catalogues, very Tippy teas met with good demand and were substantially dearer, whilst the Best followed a similar trend. Cleaner Below Best and cleaner teas at the bottom too were dearer to a lesser extent, whilst the balance were firm on last. Off Grades – Improved demand for liquoring teas, particularly towards the close. Good demand for BP’s, whilst the BM’s particularly the poorer sorts were heavily discounted.  Dust varieties saw improved demand and prices appreciated all round.  



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