BOI hosts annual SL-Japan investor forum     Follow

The Board of Investment of Sri Lanka hosted the annual Japan-Sri Lanka Government Private Sector Joint Forum for existing Japanese companies based in Sri Lanka and operating projects under the BOI regime.  

This is the 8th such Forum where the BOI is hosting Japanese enterprises.
The Forum is an ongoing process whereby Japanese investors meet BOI regularly and discuss ongoing matters to ensure that Sri Lanka offers the most investor-friendly conditions to existing Japanese companies.  

The Japanese delegation was led by KenIchi Suganuma, Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka who also acted as the main spokesman for the group.  The Sri Lankan side was led by Upul Jayasuriya, Chairman of the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka   and included MrDumindaAriyasinghe, Deputy Director General and senior officials of the BOI and also officials of other important state agencies such as the Ministry of Finance, The Labour Department, The Inland Revenue Department, Airport and Aviation Services, Sri Lanka Customs and the Department of Immigration and emigration.  

The Japanese organizations represented at the meeting were Colombo Dockyard, Taisei Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Kaihatsu Management Consulting Lanka and JETRO.


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