Video: Moves to bring prisons under Defence Ministry - Karu

UNP parliamentarian Karu Jayasuriya said today that he was surprised to hear the Commissioner of Prisons saying that the prisons should be brought under the Defence Ministry.

He said he wondered whether it was a statement made at the request of someone else or whether he did it of his own accord.

“In democratic countries prisons never come under the Defence administration. This kind of thing happens only in dictatorships. In democratic countries prisoners are considered human beings. And they are normally rehabilitated and reintegrated into society as good citizens,” said Mr. Jayasuriya.

He said the prisons and the police services had deteriorated due to politicisation and some notorious criminals had become the confidants of certain politicians.

 “We clearly saw how the present Prisons Commissioner acted to please the people in power. He prevented even MPs from visiting General Sarath Fonseka when he was hospitalised while he was a prisoner. This was a breach of the Prisons Act. Such things have never happened before,” said Mr. Jayasuriya.

He said the Prisons Commissioner should take the responsibility for Friday’s tragedy.

“This is not the only occasion such a thing has happened. Such incidents have been reported from all round the country and this is due to the inefficiency of the administration,” he said.

He said an independent investigation should be carried out in this regard and those responsible should be punished irrespective of their positions. (Ajith Siriwardane)

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