Audio: UPFA attacks on me unprecedented: Berty

Former NCP Chief Minister Berty Premalal Dissanayake said his supporters had been subjected to assaults by members of the UPFA and pointed out that this was never heard of before.

“We have never witnessed this level of threats and assaults even when the opposition won the election. Even yesterday my supporters were attacked and intimidated by our own party men supporting S.M. Ranjith and this has been happening throughout this post-election period,” he said.

Mr. Dissanayake who came second in the list of preferential votes in a hotly contested election said that his supporters were intimidated and assaulted even during the run-up to the election.

Commenting on the impending appoint of a chief minister, the former chief minister said it was the prerogative of the President.

“It’s not right to comment on this matter. The prerogative of appointing the chief minister is that of the President and I believe he will take the right decision,” he said. (Yohan Perera and Hafeel Farisz)

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