UNP must win the people’s confidence: MR

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said that if the UNP wants to defeat the government and take over power, it should first stop blaming the government and go before the people in order to gain their trust.

Speaking at the first meeting of the SLFP’s reorganizing event in Anuradhapura on Saturday the President also said, “I came to this village to meet the people and not to talk about any elections.

As long as the people are with us, we will win elections. So we are not afraid to hold any elections. But the main opposition is afraid of elections. Whenever we go to hold an election, the UNP tries to go to courts and obtain an interim order against holding the election.”

The President also said that his party also was in the opposition for more than 17 years and was able to gain the power defeating the then UNP government because they organised the people properly.

He said the SLFP was currently engaged in the reorganizing the party not targeting any elections but to find solutions to the difficulties facing the villagers. (Athula Bandara)

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