UK visa applicant arrested for fraud

A Sri Lankan visa applicant was arrested today for using deception and a false identity to apply for a UK visa. He was referred by the UK Border Agency to CID. The visa applicant was applying with his younger brother to join his mother who is working in the UK. The applicant who is over 18 pretended to be younger than his true age by presenting a false birth certificate.  He also provided a false college certificate and a false death certificate for their father, who is alive. The two visa applications have been refused and the arrested applicant will have a 10 year ban on travel to the UK. In addition he now faces prosecution for his actions.
UK Border Agency Entry Clearance Manager, Claire Murray, said: “We will not tolerate abuse of the UK’s immigration rules. Where we see abuse, we will take action against those involved. I would strongly advise visa applicants not to submit false documents and not to use false identities or other forms of deception.”
The UK Border Agency uncovered this deception because it conducts extensive checks on documents submitted with visa applications. (Source: British High Commission in Colombo)

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