UK calls for “real” progress

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, in a written statement to the British House of Commons, urged President Mahinda Rajapakse to use his new mandate to make real progress on national reconciliation.

The British Foreign office, in a statement today said that Miliband had noted that since the end of the fighting last May between the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE there has been a unique opportunity for the government to work with all communities in Sri Lanka to achieve lasting peace through genuine national reconciliation.

Meanwhile the British Foreign office said that Miliband will be addressing the forthcoming London conference of the Global Tamil Forum to encourage a forward-looking, constructive approach.

Some British websites say the move is likely to create a further rift between the Sri Lankan government and Miliband as the Global Tamil Forum is believed to be a movement which advocates a separate state in Sri Lanka.

The British Foreign office said the President has made some positive comments about the need to focus on the concerns of Tamils and to discuss the devolution of powers and setting out his plans for political reform would be a welcome next step.

Britain is also encouraging the government to address concerns over the recent Presidential polls by conducting thorough investigations into any allegations and to encourage an atmosphere of calm by reaching out to those who did not support the President.  (Daily Mirror online)

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