Traffic plan for buses to Kandy

Police have taken a decision to allow buses operating to Kandy to go back to its destination without idling around the Kandy town in a step to minimise the traffic congestion with immediate effect from today. 

Police media spokesman Ajith Rohana said that these buses idle or move slowly in the Kandy town which paves way to traffic congestion. 

The decision will not allow the buses to wonder around in the Kandy town. He said this decision will ease the number of vehicles and people stranded in the city. 

The decision was taken after the proposal made by the police was jointly agreed by the Transport Advisory Committee, the Kandy City Development Committee and the City Beautification Committee.

The law applies to buses heading to Kandy from Menikhinna, Arangala, Mahawatta, Dodanwala, Bowalawatta, Hiressagala, Udabowela, Haragama, Gurudeniya, Akurana, Alawathugoda and Dangolla. (Supun Dias)

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