Time for political solution; Krishna

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Visiting Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna said today that it was an opportune time for Sri Lanka to focus on ‘outstanding issues’ such as a political solution for the Tamil people.

“The end of the conflict has now given room for Sri Lanka to resolve any outstanding issues such as a political solution for the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. We hope that this can be done with a spirit of understanding and a structural dialog through the Government of Sri Lanka,” Krishna said.

Krishna also showed understanding of the issues regarding resettlement. “There are still a few thousands in the camps and the resettlement process takes time. It will take sometime for the people to place their feet firmly on the ground and there are teething problems. I’m sure the Sri Lankan Government is sensitive to these issues,” he said.

Sri Lankan External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L Peiris denied claims that devolution in the country had now taken a back seat. “This has been a case of priorities. We had to first address the humanitarian issues like resettlement, agriculture, water and housing before looking at the political issues,” he said.
He further stated that President Mahinda Rajapaksa was meeting with Tamil political parties in a continuing dialog.

Krishna met with President Rajapaksa earlier this morning. He will open consulates in Hambantota and Jaffna during his visit. (DS)

External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L Peiris and Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna at the External Ministry in Colombo today, where they exchanged the signed Minutes of the 7th Session of the Sri Lanka- India Joint Commission. Pix by Pradeep Dilruckshana

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