They didn’t recognise what I did for the party: Dayasiri     Follow

UNP Kurunegala District parliamentarian and contestant for the post of National Organiser, Dayasiri Jayasekara speaking to Daily Mirror online yesterday said that the vote did not reflect the true will of the people. He further went on to point out that despite the repeated assurance that the ballot would be secret in actual fact the vote was not a secret ballot.

“The decision of the working committee does not reflect the view of a majority of people in this country. The very fact that the ballot was not a secret one defies the whole point of an election. Every member eligible to vote was given a specific number and they were informed before hand that the leaders would be aware of whom they voted for as they have the number that was given to them, each ballot paper also corresponded with the number and to add to that the leader had around 40 votes that could be directly manipulated,” he said.

Jayasekara further went on to point out that over 20 members at the election sat at a working committee meeting for the first time in their lives.”Over 20 members were appointed by the secretary during the past week and it was the first time ever that they sat at a working committee meeting. They had no clue about the way a meeting is even conducted and they were asked to vote, the fact that they were appointed by the leader of the party adds to the prejudice,” Jayasekara said.

A disappointed Jayasekara further went on to point out that the working committee had not recognised what he had done for the party during the past few years. “I was one of the few parliamentarians who fought against the injustice of the government, I took a brunt of the work load that the opposition is required to do, but the working committee doesn’t seem to have acknowledged that fact. Daya Gamage has been a stalwart of the party but the fact that you have money to spend and can travel does not validate an inclusion into the top posts of the party, it is the people's mandate that matters, the main question that should have been asked is if the person elected can command the respect and will of the people,” he said.

The outspoken parliamentarian further went on to point out that he would not leave the party at any cost. “I will fight for justice for the people of this country and will not let down my voters or my party,” he said. (Hafeel Farisz)

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