There is a serious erosion of basic rights: JVP

Somawansa Amarasinghe the Leader of the JVP speaking to Daily Mirror on line stated that the citizens of the country are faced with a massive erosion of their basic human rights. Speaking in lieu of the International Human rights day the Leader of the JVP stated that the erosion and violation of these rights stems from the capitalist system of governance of many countries.

“There is no democracy nor are there basic political social or economic rights which are guaranteed. People in many countries including Sri Lanka don’t have shelter and food to eat due to poverty; people are being denied a good education and employment. The capitalist social system guarantees and focuses on profits and have repeatedly neglected the rights of the people. We therefore believe that the time has come for the vast majority of the worlds and the country’s population which are suffering due to these violations to unite and overthrow governments and regimes which deprive them of these rights” he said.
Speaking on the current situation in the country Amarasinghe stated that the government is to be held responsible for the continuous violation of these rights. “The guarantees of freedom from torture, and arbitrary arrest, the freedom of expression have been violated excessively. It is the failure of the government and the president to protect these rights that has resulted in the current situation,” he said.
 With regard to the national question and the rights of the minorities Amarasinghe said that the JVP believes in only one solution. “The only solution to the national question which is to guarantee democracy, equal rights and equal opportunities,” he said. (Hafeel Farisz)

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