Theravadi Bhikkhu Kathikawath Bill presented

The Theravadi Bhikkhu Kathikawath Bill, which provides for every Bhikkhu to act in compliance with the registered Chapter which relates to such Bhilkkhu, was presented in parliament yesterday.

The Bill which was presented in the House has provisions to impose punishment on a monk who violates the registered kathikawath. The kathikawath has to be registered as well according to the Bill.

According to the Bill, Each chapter or a nikaya may formulate and adopt a kathikawath. Each kathikawath shall, inter alia, have provisions pertaining to a code of conduct and discipline to be followed by a monk.

The Bill further provides for the temporary expulsion a monk from the residing temple, from studentship and from the nikaya.

A panel is to be appointed to examine the Kathikawath. (Yohan Perera)

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