The British High Commission says…

By Sandun A. Jayasekara

The questions posed by Daily Mirror journalist and replies from the British High Commission regarding the treatment meted out to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa during his visit to the UK are published below.

Email replies to questions posed by Daily Mirror journalist -

(1)    How come the Thames Valley Police succumbed to the pressure exerted by some odd 400 – 500 Tamils who openly support a militant movement listed as a terrorist movement and banned in the UK?

Answer from the British High Commission (BHC)- The UK police provided appropriate security for the President. There was never a question of his safety being at risk.

(2)    Does this so called ban restrict only to the paper?

(3)    How it was possible for members of a banned terrorist organization to carry out a campaign against Sri Lanka and its President while demonstrating the LTTE flag openly?

Answer from the BHC –

The LTTE was proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the UK in 2001. Proscription makes it a criminal offence for a person to belong to or invite support for a proscribed organisation. It is also a criminal offence for a person to knowingly arrange a meeting to support a proscribed organisation or to wear clothing or to carry articles in public which arouse reasonable suspicion that they are a member or supporter of the proscribed organisation.
It is the responsibility of the UK police to investigate the alleged commission of any criminal offences. The UK Government is unable to comment on Police operational matters.

(4)    Do the British government and the British Police take the same attitude if Al Qaida or Taliban carry out a protest and participate in anti US demonstrations if and when the President Obama visits UK?

No response from BHC

(5)    Did not the British Government have any responsibility to provide ample security to a visiting head of state of a friendly commonwealth country even if it was a private visit?

Answer from the BHC –

The UK government had no involvement in the planning of the event at the Oxford Union, or the decision to cancel it. Public order and security considerations were a matter for the Oxford Union and the Police.

(6)     What actions the British government and the British law enforcement authorities are going to take against the anti Sri Lanka activities by the LTTE in the UK despite its ban?

Answer from the BHC –

It is the responsibility of the UK police to investigate the alleged commission of any criminal offences. The UK Government is unable to comment on Police operational matters.

(7)    What actions the British government expects to take to prevent a repetition of similar incident in future that violated the British law and offended a friendly country?

No response from BHC

(8)    Why Minister Douglas Devananda was refused Visa to the UK by the High Commission       

 Answer from the BHC –

 The British High Commission cannot comment on individual visa applications to third parties.

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