‘Terrorism’ should be looked at as Common Threat: Karzai

Unless the International Community began to see terrorism as a common threat to the very survival of the world, there could not be an end to the chain of extremism, coupled with terrorism, Former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai said participating as the keynote Speaker at the inaugural session of the ‘Defence Seminar - 2015’ at Galadari Hotel.

Mr. Karzai calling Sri Lanka as a country which is very close to his heart predicted that Sri Lanka could be the most beautiful country in the world as it was able to wipe out terrorism from her  soil.

Attributing his remarks to the conflict that went out of control in his own country, he opined that terrorism was made possible with different types of ‘backups.’
Themed ‘National Security in the Context of Emerging Global Threats,’ the two-day sessions, Mr. Karzai said that international politics need to be armed with ‘morality’ if national security of the states are to be defended by eradicating terrorism from the soil of every country in the world.

“There are only two options to be free from terrorist menace, either you have to return to the morality of international politics or you have to conduct your internal politics with high degree of morality. There will not be an end to terrorism and extremism as long as we do not look at terrorism as a common threat to the world order. It would not certainly end if some of us would say that it does not affect us. It is a collective urge if we were to get out of it,” former President told the gathering drawing parallels from his own experiences in Afghanistan. To end human suffering we have to reach a collective decision by collectively approaching it. Therefore this morality is the tool that could save the countries, particularly the poorer ones from grips of terrorism.

The remaining balance of power should also consult emerging world powers like China, India and Russia, especially when international decision-making is done. Use of religion or ethnicity would not bring violence and terrorism to an end and such practises should not be encouraged. In many countries, terrorism is backed by non-state actors or by other states as a means to serve their own national interests.

The Chief Guest of the day, President Karzai appealed a new redefinition and a moral conduct be introduced to the security interests.

“If a country needs to influence another or promote its own interests in the recipient, it will use all ‘means’ available to do so. In other words, they would fan ethnicity or religion and this is the biggest crime that we would ever do.”

He further questioned whether was it morally right to send suicide bombers or bomb another country in its pursuit of its own interests. So if the other option is ‘peace’, there should be consultations between USA and its allies, India, China and Russia. It is our prime duty to cut down human suffering. So, the need is there to engage in regular consultations. Otherwise, what is the way forward, the former President asked. (Army.lk)


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