Suspicion over state resignations

By Jamila Najmuddin

The main opposition the UNP has raised suspicion over the government decision to seek the resignation of heads of all state institutions, saying it could be an attempt to persecute supporters of former Presidential candidate General Sarath Fonseka.

UNP MP Ravi Karunanayaka told Daily Mirror Online that even after the just concluded Presidential Elections there is a lack of consistency in the governing process. “We do not accept the whole election process so obviously what happens after the elections is not acceptable too. This is a political move to persecute supporters of the opposition,” Mr. Karunanayaka said.

Secretary to the President, Lalith Weeratunga said yesterday that heads of all state institutions have been instructed to tender their resignations. Mr. Weeratunga claimed that the move is aimed at "reconfiguring" all the state institutions.

He added that calling for the resignation was a normal procedure and it was done by the government to reconfigure the state institutions.

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