Police arrest student who drugged and sold classmate for sex

A fifteen-year-old student attending an international school and an Afghan National were ordered to be remanded until May 14 by Mount Lavinia Additional Magistrate Ruchira Weliwatte,  for allegedly raping a 16-year-old school girl of the same school.

The two suspects were arrested following a joint operation by the Dehiwala Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the Children’s and Women’s Bureau.

The Police said that the student had offered a cool drink mixed with alcohol to the victim at a restaurant in Dehiwala and that she had been raped after being taken to the beach adjacent to the restaurant after falling unconscious. Later on it was alleged that she was taken to a Night Club in Kollupitiya and was given liquor and sold to an Afghan National for Rs. 2,000 who in turn allegedly raped the under-aged girl.

Remanded Afghan National, who was lodged earlier in a hotel in Nawala, went by the name Mohamed Akwar. The male student who had been arrested for this crime was a resident of Ratmalana. As he had a medical condition he was admitted to the Kalubowila Teaching Hospital for treatment following the recommendation given by the doctors. (M. S Perera)

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