Student Unions to meet Vice Chancellor today     Follow

The represantatives of the Student Unions of the Peradeniya University are to meet  the Vice Chancellor today. The meeting would be to request the Vice Chancellor to remove all conditions that have been laid down for the function of Student Unions by the university. Speaking to Daily Mirror online Buddhi Senanayake President of the Engineering Students Union said they would request the Vice Chancellor to remove all conditions for the functioning of Unions. "Functioning of Student Unions is a democratic right and that is what we are doing. All we want to do is educate the masses about the impending decision to privatise education," he said.

Senanayake went on to add that the conditions put forward by a committee comprising the Vice Chancellor put forward the conditions in order to justify the undemocratic decision to suspend unions. "The act of suspending our democratic rights was not an administrative decision but a decision taken due to influence from other quarters, now in order to jusitify this decision they have put forward a few conditions. The problem is that they could define any act to fall within these conditions according to their whims and fancies," he said. The presidents of all nine faculties including the main student body will meet with the Vice Chancellor today.

In another development sources within the university claimed that banners that were on display around the university were taken down by an unidentified gang last night. (Hafeel Farisz)

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