Sri Lanka rejects Dublin tribunal

The judgments of the ‘Permanent People’s Tribunal on Sri Lanka’ will do nothing to further permanent peace efforts in Sri Lanka, but pose a serious threat to the country’s  stability, a statement by the Sri Lankan government this evening said.

The government further stated that the timing is designed to influence the forthcoming presidential elections on Jan 26, suggesting a degree of political motivation adding that ‘there is nothing to suggest the ‘tribunal’ will be conducted in a fair or representative fashion and its agenda, highly suspicious’.

“We strongly condemn any unaccountable organization, whether it purports to be a quasi-legal entity or not, irresponsibly distorting events and seeking to selectively pass judgment from afar,” the government statement said.

The statement went on to claim that the members of the tribunal should be helping Sri Lanka unite and move on at the end of a terrible conflict, not continue to stoke it.

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