‘Some troops required for security in Jaffna’

While claiming that the number of troops deployed in the Jaffna peninsula had been drastically reduced, the Army emphasised the necessity of maintaining the required number of troops in the peninsula on the grounds of national security.

This was revealed by Jaffna Security Forces (SF-J) Commander Major general Mahinda Hathurusinghe during a meeting with the German ambassador in Colombo Dr. Morhard, who was in Jaffna on Friday.

The visiting ambassador was enlightened of the dedication of Army engineer soldiers who worked hand in hand with foreign de-mining agencies, hastening early resettlement of IDPs in their own lands. Dr. Morhard was given a detailed account of humanitarian assistance that the Army was extending to civilians in the peninsula to improve their economy, education, health and social standards through various projects.

Maj. Gen. Hathurusinghe revealed that except for a few politically motivated elements, the majority of Jaffna residents maintained healthy relations with the Security Forces.

Before leaving Palaly, the German Ambassador thanked the Commander SF-J for his briefing on Jaffna and appreciated the work the Army was doing for the development of Jaffna and its people.

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