The Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Readiness Team | Coordination Centre (Sri Lanka CERT|CC) today warned government departments and institutions, which have hosted their websites outside the Lanka Government Network (LGN) or in a different country to regularly monitor the status of their web sites.
The warning comes days after some 22 Sri Lankan government websites were defaced or hacked.
The Centre said it had launched an investigation into the hacking of 22 government websites.
“The initial observation revealed that those are not 22 different domains but 22 sub domains of one particular domain. It is also found that those sites are hosted outside Sri Lanka and not within the Sri Lankan government network,” it said.
According to media reports, some 22 subdomains of the North Central Provincial Council ( owned by the Sri Lanka government have been defaced by Bangladeshi Grey Hat Hackers (BGHH).
The affected subdomains are sites belonging to the Public Service Commission, the Department of Sports, the Department of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and many others.
“Some so-called hacker from Sri-Lanka challenged us saying their Government sites are too secured and unbreakable. We defaced the 22 government sites to show them and prove to them that, ‘No system is secure from us.’ We also urge the Sri Lankan Government to strengthen the security of its sites,” the hackers said in a statement.
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