Video: SF to take disenfranchisement to Geneva

Democratic Party (DP) Leader Sarath Fonseka said today he would complain to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva regarding the decision to disenfranchise him because he had no confidence or faith in Sri Lanka’s judicial system under this government.


“I will complain to the UNHRC stating that this government is depriving us of our democratic rights and peoples’ sovereignty by holding elections, which are blatantly corrupt. We have enough evidence to prove this and will file a charge sheet against this government such as the white van culture and the lack of justice for people who are living in fear,” Mr.  Fonseka said.

He said the president appoints the judges whom he favoured and was clearly interfering in the judicial system of this country.


“I will decide at the right time to take legal action regarding this matter because the present situation in the country does not warrant justice for the people. I think it is wise to go to Court after this corrupt ruler is removed from his post,” Mr. Fonseka said adding that it was unreasonable and unjust to disfranchise him because according to the Constitution the verdict should be for a period of more than six months and the sentence should be completed if someone is to be disfranchised.


“The Elections Commissioner earlier explained that under the Constitution I can cast my vote. I have not completed my jail term. I was sentenced to 30 months in jail but I was released within 20 months. And my name was included in the 2013 voting list and had voted once. But the Election Commissioner has acted to disfranchise me as part of a government plot,” he said.(Ajith Siriwardana)



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