Sampur lands returned to owners

A new ministry will be set up to promote reconciliation, mutual understanding and communal harmony soon under the powers vested with the President in the 19th Amendment, President Maithripala said.

He said the government was fully committed and had prioritized the resolution of the problems and concerns faced by the Tamils in the North.

The President said this when addressing those who attended the public function, held at Sampur in Trincomalee on Saturday, to mark the return of lands to their original owners. These lands had been earlier acquired by the armed forces for the purpose of setting up a high security zone.

The President said Sri Lanka belonged to all communities and that the government would create an environment which would allow all Sri Lankans to live in any place of their choice without any discrimination or hindrance.

“I am determined to provide you the facilities and benefits enjoyed by the people living in the South. This government belongs to all Sri Lankans irrespective of their caste, creed or community and as such, under this government no community will be discriminated against nor suffer deprivation,” he said.

On January 8, you placed your confidence and trust in me by electing me as the President of Sri Lanka. I won the presidential election because people in the North and East voted en masse for me. I assure you that I will not disappoint you or wreck the confidence you placed in me. My government's policy is to serve all Sri Lankans no matter what their status, caste, creed or community maybe,” the President said. “We were at war for nearly 30 years. War brings nothing good and positive other than destruction, disharmony, hatred and ill-feeling among communities. That is why this government commits itself to uprooting the factors that contributed to such a situation."

The President said the armed forces acquired land in many parts of the country especially in the North for the war effort.

"The war is over and peace has returned and the government has now decided to hand over those lands to the original owners. There may be some who perceive these efforts with a negative mindset, but the government is confident it is doing the right thing for the welfare of the Tamil people, who have suffered much during the conflict," he said.

The President said the government would also develop the education, health and infrastructure in the North and pointed out that the people who received their lands back would have the opportunity of cultivating them and earning a proper income to develop their livelihoods.

"People living as internally displaced persons under extremely difficult conditions can now return. The government will listen to the grievances of the people in the North and resolve their problems. Tamil leaders like R. Sampanthan are always talking to the government about the problems affecting the northern people. Several EU-member states, the US, India, the UN, UNICEF and UNDP have come forward to help the people in the North and East thus endorsing the government’s commitment. (SAJ)

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