Resident Missions to be opened in Kabul and Colombo

Sri Lanka will open a resident mission in Kabul, Afghanistan and a Resident Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will open a resident mission in Colombo to strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries. The two countries will also cooperate with regards to defense related issues.

The announcements were made at a joint media briefing between the External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peries and the visiting Afghanistan Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Zalmai Rassoul, who is on a visit to Sri Lanka from 18 to 21 December 2012

Dr. Rassoul met with high level government officials and held a number of discussions on matters of economics, education, science and technology. During discussions with the Minister of External Affairs of Sri Lanka both parties had noted that they had similar issues and were dealing with the process of reconciliation with home-grown solutions.(Dianne Silva)

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