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A consignment of stainless steel and aluminum products contaminated with an artificial radioactive element has been detected at the Colombo harbor.
The release and distribution of the contaminated products has been halted with immediate effect, Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Authority (SLAEA) stated. SLAEA Chairman Dr. R L Wijayawardena speaking to Daily Mirror said the cargo, imported from India had contained about 125 units stainless steel and aluminum products contaminated with cobalt 60 – an extremely hazardous, artificial radioactive element.
Upon further analysis carried out by the Radiation Protection Division of the SLAEA, a decision has been made to halt the release and distribution of the contaminated products.
“We have not yet explored any grounds to take legal action against the Indian company. But a decision has been made to instruct Sri Lanka Customs to return the consignment to India and to inform the Atomic Energy Commission of India and the International Atomic Energy Agency concerning the products,” Dr. Wijayawardena added.
The contaminated cargo is currently held at Sri Lanka Ports Authority. (Lakna Paranamanna)