Protest against MR in Chennai

A protest by Hindu Munnani activists on TTK Road near Music Academy in Chennai on Monday evening turned dangerous when a LPG-powered auto rickshaw went up in flames after the protesters burnt an effigy of the Lankan President inside the vehicle.

The small group of protesters was planning to take out a procession, against the demolition of a temple in Trincomalee in Sri Lanka, from near the Music Academy where they had assembled to the Sri Lankan deputy high commission when the auto rickshaw caught fire, according to the police.

One of the activists sitting inside the auto rickshaw set the effigy of Mahinda Rajapaksa on fire inside the vehicle in an attempt to avoid police standing near the venue.

“Within no time, the entire vehicle was on fire leaving the onlookers in a state of shock. Later policemen and few other motorists doused the fire by pouring water on the vehicle,” the police said.

“The entire assembly by the Hindu Munnani activists was without the required police permission. The fire could have turned fatal if the gas cylinder had exploded. Luckily one Hindu Munnani man escaped with burn injuries while the driver escaped unhurt,” the police said.

The demonstration was organised by state treasurer Kanchi Kannan to mark their protest against the government decision to demolish a Vinayagar temple in Trincomalee.

The organisation said in a statement that there were reports that the Sri Lankan government was demolishing many Hindu temples in that country.

“Hindu Munnani has been fighting against it and for the rights of the Hindus across the world,” the press release said.

”The Sri Lankan government should stop activities that are hurting the sentiments of the Hindus. Such acts will bring disrepute to the Sri Lankan government,” said the statement. (deccanchronicle)

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