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The Police Department has taken steps to increase the number of Tourist Police units in the country to assist and help tourists as the number of tourists visiting the island had increased in the recent past.
Police media spokesman Ajith Rohana said that during the season steps are taken to increase the number of policemen stationed in tourist zones.
“These policemen will not only be in uniform but also in civvies. If any officer is found guilty for misappropriation they will be dealt strictly by law,” he said. “We will not hide anything if any policeman had committed a crime or an offence and strict action will be taken against them,” he added.
On January 6 an Australian national by the name of Tommy White who was in Sri Lanka for a holiday was stopped by a policeman on duty on the Kantale-Colombo main road. He alleged that the policeman charged him Rs.1,000 for speeding, another Rs.1,000 for not stopping the car and an extra payment of Rs.2,000 for wasting his time.
Mr. White following the incident had send a written complaint to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) N.K. Illangakone and to the Sri Lanka Tourist Board Chairman urging that policemen should set a good example to tourists when the government is taking steps to improve the tourism industry. (Supun Dias)