People made helpless, powerless by political culture – LLRC

The Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report states that the political culture of the country has made the people powerless and helpless to a point they had become dependent on politicians to obtain many of the services and amenities they are entitled to. 
The report which was tabled in parliament today recommends that an independent institution be established to address the grievances of all citizens and in particular the minority community grievances that arise from abuse by public officials and others involved in governance of the country.
While recommending a political solution, the Commission observes that devolution should promote greater harmony and unity among the people of this country. The promotion of oneness and a common identity should be the principal aim of any form of devolution while protecting and appreciating the rich diversity. 
In this endeavour, the LLRC states that the focus should be to ensure that the people belonging to all the communities are empowered at every level.

“Devolution of power should not be discriminatory or seen to be discriminatory,” the report says. 
It recommends that the Police Department be de-linked from the institutions dealing with the armed forces, which are responsible for the security of the state.
The Commission states that the Police Department is a civilian institution to be entrusted with the maintenance of law and order and that an independent permanent police commission is a pre-requisite to guarantee the effective functioning of the police service and as a means of enhancing public confidence.
“This mechanism should be vested with a strong investigative arm to enable it to effectively discharge its functions,” the report states.
Referring to allegations about the activities of certain illegal armed groups, the report calls for a full investigation into complaints against the EPDP, as otherwise, it may create a sense of impunity.  The LLRC has received complaints about the activities of an illegal armed group led by a Major Seelan and this group is alleged to have carried out abductions, robberies and extortions are the offences allegedly committed by this gang using the security forces as a cover.
The LLRC has alleged that principal offender still remained at large though the matter was brought to the notice of the police in the area. Only an accomplice of Major Seelan has been arrested. The Commissioner regrets that full effect has not been given to its interim recommendations.
The report states that police officers serving in the provinces do not have adequate access to legal expertise, and therefore proposed the setting up of the units of Attorney General’s Department in each of these areas. The LLRC states it regrets the failure on the part of the authorities concerned to take action against a person called Bhareti who had allegedly committed crimes of abductions, extortions and robbery. 
The LLRC states that an investigation should be carried out into the incident in which 600 police officers were killed during the conflict after they were ordered to lay down arms and surrender and had strongly recommended the need to address the issues of Muslims who were evicted and the Sinhalese families affected by the war. (Kelum Bandara and Yohan Perera)

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