Papua New Guinea to support SL at CHOGM

Papua New Guinea said that it would give it's support to the Sri Lankan government at the forthcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), the Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra said.

It said that Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, the High Commissioner for Australia concurrently accredited to Papua New Guinea presented the Letter of Credence of Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka to the Governor General of Papua New Guinea Grand Chief Sir Michael Ogio,, CBE, GCM, GCMG, KSt. J at the Government House Konedobu, Papua New Guinea recently.

The ceremony was preceded with a military Guard of Honour accorded to the Sri Lankan High Commissioner designate.  The event was followed by a discussion and an official toast to  Mahinda Rajapaksa and Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

The Governor General congratulated Sri Lanka for ushering peace to all citizens and for the post conflict development and reconciliation achievements.  He encouraged and urged both countries to increase exchange of visits both at political and official level to forge and deepen our bilateral relations.

Governor General also emphasized  the importance of people to people contact and reiterated the support of the Government of Papua New Guinea at the forthcoming CHOGM and wished the event all the success.

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