Norochcholai finally repaired

The Norochcholai coal Power Plant, which had been at a standstill for the past few days, due to a technical fault started functioning again yesterday giving rise to hopes that the power cuts which were imposed recently would end soon.

Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) Chairman Professor Wimaladharma Abeywickrema told Daily Mirror that the power plant started functioning today. He said its exact power generating capacity would be assessed today. He said it was not operating at its maximum capacity of 300Mw at present.

However according to Professor Wimaladharama the power supplied by the plant would be increased gradually.

A decision regarding power cuts is to be taken tomorrow. Power cuts of two hours and fifteen minutes duration were imposed on several towns at the end of July and later increased to three hours. This plant has gone out of order several times in the recent past. (Yohan Perera)

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