Nobody can halt my mission: Dayasiri

UNP Kurunegala District MP Dayasiri Jayasekera today said he would participate in the party’s campaign for the provincial council elections despite challenges he was facing at the moment.

Mr. Jayasekera told the Daily Mirror that he decided to participate in the campaign as many candidates contesting for the Sabaragamuwa, North Central and Eastern Provincial Councils had invited him to do so.

“No intimidations or threats can stop my mission to ensure the victory of my party at the provincial council elections,” he said.

He said he had not received any official request to attend any inquiry by the disciplinary committee despite reports that such an inquiry was in the offing.
Meanwhile, informed sources said the disciplinary committee was expected to meet over the weekend to go through the report submitted by party General Secretary Tissa Attanayake with regard to the conduct of Mr. Jayasekera. (Yohan Perera)

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