No need to change President or Prime Minister- Champika

Power and Energy Minister and Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) general secretary Patali Champika Ranawaka said yesterday that what was required today was not to change the president or prime minister but to change the electoral system.

He said the 20th Amendment to the Constitution should be enacted and that there was no reason for anyone to object as it was introduced with a sufficient time for discussion.

“Some political forces are trying to derail the process of enacting 20 A by citing various objections. We should not allow the political leaders to avoid it as it was not hastily brought in,” he said.

Mr. Ranawaka said at a meeting at the Ape Gama in Battaramulla that the main choice at the last presidential election was between political reforms and maintaining status quo and that the former had prevailed.

UPFA MP Dilan Perera said the SLFP was in favour of 20 A, and if the UNP supported it, it could be passed without difficulty.
Mr. Perera said the UNP was obstructing 20 A indirectly by citing various drawbacks, whereas the JVP was willing to approve it with minor changes.

“We have a good opportunity to get 20 A enacted by the present parliament. If we lose this opportunity the people's aspirations would be suppressed for ever,” he said. (Ajith Siriwardana)


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