No conspiracy to destroy stock market:Alahapperuma

The United National Peoples Alliance said today that there were no conspiracies within the government to destroy the stock market.

 Speaking at a news conference Youth Affairs and Skills Development Minister Dullas Alahapperuma said that there was no organized plot within the government to destroy the stock market and if anyone accused the government of such acts they flatly rejected them.
“We have always featured the growth of the stock market in our vision for economic growth. As the government, we will always dedicate ourselves to the safety of the stock market,” he said.

Mr. Alahapperuma said that they were disappointed to see the head of Sri Lanka's Securities and Exchange Commission Tilak Karunaratne resign and said the SEC chief was an honest man.“He was my colleague in parliament. He was a good man and incorruptible,” he said. (NC)

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