Video: Mysterious container in the seas off Chilaw

Arrangements are now under way to salvage and bring to shore a large container found in the sea off the Chilaw coast, Navy media spokesman Kosala Warnakulasuriya said.

The fishermen who spotted this container on Tuesday had informed the Navy officers on patrol duty in the area. The fishermen said they had even noticed sea oysters round the container.

Attempts to tow the container ashore using small dinghy boats had proved futile. The navy is now planning to use a Dora boats for this purpose.
The Navy said they were unable to reveal what’s in the just yet because their first task was to remove it from the deep sea.

According to reports fishermen had found watches, bags and several other items strewn along beach from Karukupone to Muthupanthiya during the past week. (Pix, text  and video by Jude Samantha)

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