Video: Musthapha accuses Hakeem of fomenting religious hatred

Deputy Science and Technology Minister Faiszer Musthapha, yesterday, charged that the SLMC was spreading ethno-religious hatred among the communities by making spiteful statements to gain cheap political mileage.

Speaking to Daily Mirror, Musthapha said that recent media reports of the SLMC speaking of ‘Saffron robe terrorism’ in the country were clear indication of its intention to foment racial hatred.

“What they are trying to do is create racial hatred. When you say “Saffron Robe terrorism” you are taking on the entire Buddhist clergy of this country -- which is very unfair. Besides, this is an utterly irresponsible statement,” he said.

Musthapha said that the SLMC should stop banking on communal sentiments to win an election because the Muslim community and the country as a whole would have to pay a far higher price.
“At the end of the day you can play communal politics and win an election. But the price you pay is far higher. Are you trying to create racial riots again? I appeal to the SLMC to stop this. The SLMC they say are governed by the Holy Quran, and the prophet was a great propagator of peace and harmony between all communities, so much so that there were instances when he invited people of other faiths to practice their religion in the mosques. We need to be secular if we are going to take this country forward,” he said.

The minister went on to state that the SLMC had deviated from its original political philosophy and was now using cheap political gimmicks to further its agenda.

“When the late Mr. Ashroff was alive the SLMC was a great force. It focused on the well-being of the Muslim community. But, today, it is concerned about how to stay in power; on how to continue in power by indulging in cheap politics. A political party is judged by the direction it gives to its people, and by this measure I believe the SLMC has failed,” he said.(Hafeel Farisz)

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