More than 100 pranksters arrested

More than 100 people have been arrested for giving prank calls and providing misinformation to the police emergency 119 service, police said.

Police spokesman Ajith Rohana said 119 is for an emergency but most of the people called 119 for other purposes such as to resolve personal problems, inquire about fines imposed by the police, to report the loss of licences and identity cards.

He said action had been taken against people giving such calls under sections 180 and 208 of the penal code.

The police headquarters recently announced the provision to contact the police emergency 119 via the SMS.

Police believe that the SMS may also give the opportunity for pranksters to pass on misinformation though it was only meant to contact the police in an emergency.

 “We are on the lookout for the suspect who gave the police a call saying there was a hand grenade inside the Gampaha Magistrate’s courts,” S.P. Rohana said adding that a thorough search of the court premises yielded no such hand grenade. (Supun Dias)

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