Mervyn jeered at UNP rally     Follow

A tense situation prevailed at the final UNP rally in the North-Western provincial election campaign at Waikkal in Wennapuwa last night after a crowd that gathered at the rally had allegedly hooted at Minister Mervyn Silva, whose motorcade was passing the area.

Parliamentarian Rosy Senanayake was addressing the rally which was attended by Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe when the VIP motorcade carrying the Minister and his entourage had stooped.

The Minister after getting off the vehicle had shouted at the crowd questioning them as to who dared to hoot at him.

A person from the crowd had then replied that they were clapping at a remark made by the speaker and were not hooting at anyone.

Immediately the police on duty at the rally and the MSD officials intervened and prevented any possible clash after which the Minister had left the scene amidst hoots and catcalls.  ( By Jude Samantha)

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