Malaysia stops Channel 4 documentary screening

The organizers of a screening of the controversial Channel 4 documentary on the last stages of the war in Sri Lanka, were detained by the Malaysian Police today, according to the Sri Lankan Ministry of External Affairs.

Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Malaysia.I.  Ansar had protested to Malaysian authorities when he received information that the film “No Fire Zone”, which portrays the actions of the government during the last stages of the Sri Lankan conflict in an unfavourable manner, was to be screened, External Affairs Ministry sources said.

According to the MEA the screening had been stopped by Malaysian authorities and the organizers detained.  Although information circulated that the Director of the film Callum Macrae had been detained, the MEA could not confirm the identities of those detained.

Meanwhile sources said Ms Anna Har - Board of director Komas NGO, Mr. Arul Prakash- Executive Director - Komas NGO and Ms. Lena Hendry - Non discrimination Program Coordinator - Komas NGO were among the detainees.

CH 4 Director too had been questioned. (Dianne Silva)

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