LTTE cadres remanded

Over 160 hardcore LTTE activists engaged in defiant behavior during the humanitarian operation and subsequently lived undercover amongst the displaced civilians in IDP camps were sent to remand custody by the Colombo Magistrate today.

Investigations conducted by the police revealed that these persons, taken in to custody while mingling with the IDP's,  are hardcore LTTE cadres- wanted for various crimes.

 The suspects subsequent to their arrest were handed over to the Terrorist Investigation   Division (TID), who conducted further investigations after they were detained by the Division on the orders of the Defense Secretary.

On the lapse of the detention period the TID produced them before Colombo Additional Magistrate Ms. Aruni Attygalle and moved to remand them as the investigations are yet incomplete.  The Magistrate remanded them till January 3.  (TFT)

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