Large scale sand mining racket busted

The elite Special Task Force (STF) busted a large scale sand mining racket which had been operating for years without a license in the Ma-oya area in Kurunegala.

During the raid the STF was able to arrest 17 persons along with heavy equipment worth around Rs.30 million.

Machinery seized during the raid includes trucks, tippers, caterpillars, backhoes and tractors. The raid was carried out by several STF teams led by CI Vewitawitharana under the directions of Kurunegala STF ASP Kelum Gunathunga.

The STF is also in the process of establishing a camp each, covering the administrative districts in the island under the instructions given by Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, to combat and tackle illegal activities which are difficult to be countered by the police.

They have busted illegal felling, sand mining and cattle transporting that takes place in the area especially inside the dense forests and are assisting the police to arrest and raid illegal activities which take place in the country.

The public can inform the STF about any illegal activity or if they seek any assistance from the STF on the following numbers:  0112588499, 2588481 and 2580518. While the STF Intelligence can be contacted on: 2586363. (Supun Dias)

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