Arrested for robbing million dirhams

A Sri Lankan driver has been arrested for allegedly robbing about a million dirhams from his employer, reported 'Emarat Al Youm'. Dubai Police received a complaint report from a British businessman who claimed that his driver has run away with the stolen money.

Apparently he had been hired just four days earlier and was not the the victim's sponsorship yet.

The businessman withdrew Dh1m from one of the exchange companies ad then proceeded to another company to finish measome work. He had left the amount in the car. He was shocked to find the car missing on his return.

Dubai Police launched a massive hunt immediately and the car was found in the neighbouring emirate. But the driver was at large. The police then alerted all exit points in the UAE. And he was sucessfully arrested while attempting to leave the country through Sharjah Airport. He was trying to use another passport.

In co-ordination with the Sharjah Police, the accused was arrested. On interrogation, he admitted to committing the crime.

The case has been referred to the Public Prosecution.

The British businessman is accused of violating the labour law by hiring a driver who is not on his sponsorship. (Emirates 24/7)

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