KP seen in rare video

Former LTTE chief arms procurer Kumaran Padmanathan (KP) who is now working with the government, has been shown in a rare video reportedly taken in late June this year at a program in Vavuniya which was also attended by actress Anoja Weerasingha.

The video on a Tamil website shows Padmanathan, in the presence of troops and other officials and Tamil Diaspora visitors, speaking to Tamil youth including former LTTE cadres asking if they can identify him and urging them to have hope for a better future. 

Meanwhile when contacted by Daily Mirror online, Actress Anoja Weerasingha said that her team from the Academy of Performing Arts was currently in Vavuniya working with the local Tamil people.

"I am right now in Vavuniya and we are training atleast 30 men and 20 women from the area in the field of performing arts. Our main aim is to give our knowledge to these innocent Tamil people," Weerasingha said.

However when questioned about her meeting with KP as seen in the video, Weerasingha refused to comment stating she would not answer any poltical questions and requested us not to ask her anything controversial. "I am not a political person. I am not representing anyone. So I do not want to comment on anything controversial," Weerasingha said. (Daily Mirror online)


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