Video: Katunayake highway the most expensive in the world: UNP

UNP parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera said today his party would write to the Guinness Book of Records requesting it to include the Katunayake Expressway as the most expensive expressway in the world.

“The government has spent Rs.45.7 billion for the construction of the 25.8 km-long Katunayake Expressway at a cost of Rs.1.8 billion per kilometre. This is the only expressway in the world to have spent such a massive amount of money. So we are going to request the Guinness Committee to include the Katunayake Expressway in next year’s GuinnessBook of Records”, Mr. Samarawera said.

Mr. Samaraweera said last year a Chinese company built the 50 km-long Thika Super Highway in Kenya which consist of 8 lanes at a cost of US$360 which works out to only Rs.972 million per kilometre whereas the Katunayake Expressway was built at a cost of Rs.1.8 billion per kilometre.(Ajith Siriwardana)

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