JHU slams UN protest

By Indika Sri Aravinda

Creating obstacles for United Nation’s activities and its employees at this moment was a foolish act, former leader of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) and Member of Parliament, Venerable Ellawala Medhananda Thera said today.

“The UN has many members and the panel to investigate into Sri Lanka was set up by the General Secretary of the UN, Ban Ki Moon and therefore he should be held responsible and not the UN organization, said the former leader speaking to Daily Mirror Online. 

“At this point of time we have to think of the future and act wisely. When a protest is held we have to stay within our limits and hold protests in a peaceful manner,” he said.

He said Sri Lanka should improve economically and we have to be careful when we hold protests against other countries.

Venerable Ellawala medhananda Thera reiterated there were certain traitorous individuals who would use this opportunity to support Western influences and therefore it was unwise. (Daily Mirror online)

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