Jeyaraj killing: Suspect indicted in High Court

A man who was accused of having provided accommodation to an LTTE suicide bomber and aided and abetted in the killing of former Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle was indicted in the High Court today.

Senior State Counsel Riaz Bary served the indictment papers on Shanmugarajah Suresh Kumar alias Kutti when the case was taken up for inquiry by High Court Judge Depali Wijesundera.

LTTE suicide bomber Muttiah Narendran alias Vella Thambi Mohamed had lived at Kawdana in Dehiwala between March 10 and April 05, 2005.

Defence Counsel K.M. Thillayanathan asked that his client Suresh Kumar who is in remand custody is to be transferred to the Mahara Prisons and asked why this was being done when the case was in the Colombo High Court. The trial was fixed for January 6 next year. (T. Farook Thajudeen)

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