IGP clears the police

By Supun Dias

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Mahinda Balasuriya claimed today that there was no evidence of any assault injuries on the third-year student of the Ruhunu University who died on Thursday to blame the police for the death

He added that an aneurism had been the cause of the internal bleeding as evident in the post mortem report of the Judicial Medical Officer. 

The victim Susantha Aruna Bandara (25) was hospitalized on July 8th with continuous vomiting and fever. The cause of his death was recorded as Encephalitis on Thursday night at the hospital. “We have nothing to hide, the post mortem report has been produced and it has mentioned that the cause of death was not due to any assault”, IGP Balasuriya said.

“We have sent two Criminal Investigations Department (CID) teams to Badulla and Matara to probe the death as the police is been blamed by several university student factions for the death of the student”, he added

These students unions are blaming us due to their political ambitions and this will damage the entire university system, the IGP warned.

Meanwhile answering a question raised by a journalist on the complaint lodged by the victim’s mother that he was assaulted by another student, IGP Balasuriya said that the CID will probe into the matter but with the post mortem report it has been scientifically proven that the student had died as a result of an aneurism which resulted in internal bleeding


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