I had to close the faculty: Rajarata VC

The Vice Chancellor of the Rajarata University Prof. K.A Nandasena speaking to Daily Mirror online said that he had no choice but to close down the Medical Faculty of the university by 12 noon today. “The students kept disrupting affairs of the university, all this began with my decision to suspend seven students of the second year for five weeks due to the ragging that takes place in the university. I suspended these students on January 3 and on the next day the second year students who are batch mates of the suspended students decided to boycott classes. The following day even the first year students decided to boycott lectures. I went and explained to the first year students that they should attend lectures because that is what they are here for but they didn’t heed to my requests. I warned them that I would close down the faculty and the hostels if they continue to boycott lectures,” he said
The Vice Chancellor went on to point out that he decided to close the faculty and requested all students to leave the university premises. The students had not left the university and continued to disrupt the functions of the university subsequent to which a court order was obtained. We told them to go home because we can’t spend tax payer’s money on these students,” he said. The Vice Chancellor had taken the decision to close down the faculty at 12 noon today. (Hafeel Farisz)

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