I didn’t say so: D.V. Upul

Southern Provincial Council Minister D.V.Upul in an interview has denied saying that officers of the Financial Crime Investigation Division would be stoned and killed under a government of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Q: What made you to say that officials of the FCID and others would be stoned to death?

A: Where did I say so? These are allegations made against me by the government fallacious news papers and TV channels. What I said was that I would remain silent rather than trying stop in an event if people would stone those who are responsible for the errant actions of the newly instituted FCID.

Q: What is this newly formed police unit?

A: It is a police unit formed through a parliamentary committee.

Q: Don’t you really know about this Police Financial Crime Investigation Division?

A: I came to know about this police unit through news items written by fallacious reporters to their papers.

Q: Why do you read these papers written by fallacious reporters?

A: When I am free and have nothing to do I read these papers.

Q: Now you have been suspended from going abroad, what would you say about it?

A: I rarely go abroad and passport is not of much use to me. However I’ll file action against FCID on Monday for impounding my passport even before recoding a statement from me. I will also go to court against the fallacious news papers.

Q: Were you not called by the police?

A: Nobody from police called me.

Q: Are there any chance of Mahinda Rajapaksa being elected as the prime minister?

A: We will elect Mahinda as prime minister sending the UNP out of politics which was defeated in elections on 29 occasions.


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